Friday, August 31, 2012

OUTSTANDING melon carvings and creations

Treat your body with bliss!

Curing yourself with fruits and veggies

List of cures by food    
Fruit/ vegetable Use notes preparation/ other
Onion juice has bactericidal properties antiseptic juice: 1 tsp 3 times a day. For cold or cough mix equally with honey and use 3-4 teaspoons daily.
Garlic detoxifier, cleanses blood and lymph; stimulant and antibiotic during pregnancy be careful; eat raw with honey, fresh is best for blood, regular intake; gas- boil 1 tsp garlic in 1 small cup of milk, twice a day
Mustard Migraine some people are allergic to mustard greens grind 1/2 tsp mustard seeds with 3 tsp. water. Strain and use 1-2 drops in nostrils
Chilli digestion Pungent starchy food containing the enzyme amylase which helps break down complex carbohydrates. Pungency depends on amount of capsaicin in fruit
Papaya Delayed or uneven menstruation, indigestion, diarrhoea, amoebic dysentery. Like an apple, a papaya a day can keep the doctor away beat leaves of tree to make a natural hair conditioner. Also source of carotenes and enzymes
Papaya Seeds helpful in eliminating roundworm in children tonic effect on nerves Can digest 200 times its own weight in protein.
Cinnamon Originally Sri Lankan helps with digestion and absorption, strengthen heart, stimulates kidneys, and helps bad breath    
Coconut In traditional Indian households, used for the expectorant mother. yummy base for curries and milks various
Coriander This Mediterranean herb facilitates digestion and is useful in cases of diarrhoea    
Cumin Nausea, constipation and indigestion This fruit is used for flavouring cheeses, breads, pastries and curries. equal amounts of cumin, pepper and ginger mixed with a bunch of curry leaves and powdered with a little salt is mixed with hot ghee and eaten with steamed rice for constipation or indigestion.
Cardamom Detoxifies caffeine in coffee. Mixed with milk it neutralises its mucus-forming properties.   Mixed with cinamom and bay leaves is a valuable digestive.
Asafoetida helps relieve gas use small amount 1/4 tsp in a ripe banana helps gas problems
Liquorice Expectorant and sweetener not the sugary stuff you buy in the shops  
Mango Cleanse body by eliminating toxins Avoid if you have skin problems or stomach ulcers. Drink juice with milk to reduce its acidity.
Peppermint Indigestion, insomnia, nausea   Steep 1 tbsp fresh leaves in 1 teacup for 30 minutes and drink.
Banana Constipation, Diarrhoea, Indigestion; recovery from fatigue Mash one ripe banana with equal quantity of hemp oil, blend and use as a spreadable face-pack. For diarrhoea mix with pinch of salt and tsp lemon or tamarind pulp. For indigestion take at night with some milk. Eat only ripe banana. Is a starch food
Nutmeg Diarrhoea   Mix 1/8 tsp nutmeg powder, 1tsp ginger paste, 1/2 cup yoghurt, 1/2 cup water and drink.
Poppy Insomnia   Mix 1 tbsp poppy seeds with 1 tbsp cannabis leaves and grind with a little water. Apply on soles and palms before going to bed (traditional Himalayan recipe)
Almond Kidney and liver malfunctioning 20% easily digested protein, a good supplement with milk. Eat more almonds! Soak and remove outer brown skin that can taint taste and causes excess heat in your body.
Pomegranate Anaemia Juice is great for digestive disorders Dissolve 1/4 tsp cinnamon and 2 tsp honey in 1 cup pomegranate juice
Sandalwood Scars on face due to pimples   Mix equal amounts of sandalwood powder, lime juice and coconut oil. Put on face before bed.
Cloves Gum and teeth problems; Gastric irritation Anti-oxidant apply powder of fried cloves on affected areas of teeth/ gums, for toothache apply few drops of clove oil using cotton bud.
Ginger Digestive power, cleanses throat and tongue   Chew small piece for sore throat and for digestion after meals.
Apple Detoxification; beneficial to bowels, liver and brain   Three Greek physicians recommend ginger: Galen used it as a medicine to rectify defective humours of the body. Aviceenaa used it as an aphrodisiac and Pomose used it as a treatment for gout.
Apricot   The Hunza blame their vitality on this dried fruit. It is sub-acid
Raisins Acidosis Excessively alkaline. Use freely soaked for 24-48 hours.  
Raw Cabbage Acidosis Serves as an alkaline cleanser. Works well with carrot juice for heartburn. Contrary to popular belief raw tomatoes, oranges and lemons also work in treating acidity.
Beetroot Cleans kidneys and gallbladder Rich in alkaline elements.  
Hemp & Lemon lush toxins from liver Very powerful, use with professional guidance only Mix 1/2 hemp oil to 1/2 lemon juice

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quotable Quotes

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thats Life

That's life, that's what all the people say.
You're riding high in April,
Shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune,
When I'm back on top, back on top in June.

I said that's life, and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks,
Stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down,
'Cause this fine ol' world it keeps spinning around

I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate,
A poet, a pawn and a king.
I've been up and down and over and out
And I know one thing:
Each time I find myself, flat on my face,
I pick myself up and get back in the race.

That's life
I tell ya, I can't deny it,
I thought of quitting baby,
But my heart just ain't gonna buy it.
And if I didn't think it was worth one single try,
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly

I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate,
A poet, a pawn and a king.
I've been up and down and over and out
And I know one thing:
Each time I find myself laying flat on my face,
I just pick myself up and get back in the race

That's life
That's life and I can't deny it
Many times I thought of cutting out
But my heart won't buy it
But if there's nothing shakin' come this here july
I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die
My, My Thats life!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today is a New Day

You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present. 
~Jan Glidewell

If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven't done much today. 
~Author Unknown

The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post. 
~L. Thomas Holdcroft

Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace.
~Author Unknown

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
~Alexander Graham Bell

We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday's burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.
~John Newton

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food For Thought...

A little girl wanted to know what the United States looked like. Her dad tore a map of the USA from a magazine and then cut it in into small pieces. He told her to go to her room and see if she could put it together. After some minutes she returned with the map correctly fitted and taped together. Surprised, her dad asked how she had finished so quickly. She said, "on the other side was a picture of Jesus and when I put him back, then our country just came together.

All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.
- Samuel Butler

Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.
- Alfred A. Montapert

A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around
- Carolyn Birmingham

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death.
- Robert Fulghum

Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.
-Tom Blandi

Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, "This is the real me," and when you have found that attitude, follow it.
-William James

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
-Winston Churchill

Recipe For Happiness

Take twelve whole months, cleaning them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate and jealousy. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty or thirty-one different parts, but don't make the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage and one part of work. Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity and meditation and one good deed. Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of plan and a cupful of good humor. Pour all of this into a vessel of love. Cook thoroughly over radiant joy, garnish with a smile and serve with quietness, unselfishness and cheerfulness.